
This week covers all the important information about assisted conception including making choices about IUI, IVF, ICSI and egg and sperm donation.

I will cover how to know when to make the decision to go for assisted conception, what the different techniques like IUI and IVF mean, how to pick a good clinic and what questions to ask.

Click on the video below to get started. You can make the video full screen by clicking the button with four diagnoal arrows on it, located on the right hand side of the video control bar.

Week 10 video

How to get pregnent videos

Please click on the link below to view the video for that topic

  1. Getting Started - Your Diet and why it’s so important
  2. Supplements – Which To Take And Avoid To Maximise Your Chances of Pregnancy
  3. Testing Testing - Which Tests To Take – And If You Need Them
  4. Cookery Demos - How to Cook Foods That Can Help Boost Your Fertility
  5. Environmental and Occupational Hazards – And How To Avoid Them
  6. Q&A Session
  7. Female Hormone Imbalances - And What You Can Do About Them
  8. It’s All In The Timing
  9. Stress And Emotions – Practical Tips For Getting Them Under Control
  10. Assisted Conception ( IUI, IVF, ICSI)
  11. Weight And Fertility Issues For Men And Women
  12. Plan Of Action!